Take the IPv6 Survey!

If you'd care to share your thoughts on IPv6 deployment within your organization, I invite you to participate in BT Diamond IP's IPv6 survey. It only takes about five minutes to complete but your feedback would be useful input to our sampling of where people are with IPv6 these days. INS conducted similar surveys in 2005 and in 2008, so we're right on queue with our triennial survey! I have a feeling results may be a bit more IPv6-optimistic this year...but I don't want to jump to conclusions! That's why we put the survey out there.

The survey is quick plus you could win your choice of an autographed copy of two IPAM books by yours truly or a $100 American Express gift card (it's ok if you pick this, I won't be insulted!). One winner from among the survey respondents will be selected in late April, so take the survey today!


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